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Your Tire Questions Answered in Plain English, Concise & Straight to The Point - Quickie Tire

Updated: May 30, 2022

Everything you wanted to know about your tires in plain English - concise & straight to the point. We'll discuss: which tires to buy, flat tire repair, when to change tires, tire air pressure, dry rot, seasonal tires, tire rotation, how to check tire tread, and whether to change 2 or 4 tires.

Which Tires Should I Buy?

For normal use its always best to replace your tires with the same tire model or specifications your manufacturer chose for your vehicle. If, for example your goal is to go off-road, race, drift, tow or haul, you may need different tires to best suit your use case.

What are some things to consider when buying tires?

  • Load Rating. For the safety of your vehicle, Its important to buy tires with a load rating your manufacturer specifies (load rating chart).

  • Speed Rating. This can impact handling and stopping power but most importantly, it states how quickly you can drive in ideal conditions (speed rating chart).

  • Size. The size of your tire should never change unless you are intentionally modifying your vehicle or buying different sized rims.

For pictures and more information, click here.

How to Repair Flat Tire

According to USTMA (U.S. Tire Manufacturers Association) and NHTSA (National Highway Traffic Safety Administration) , a Plug & Patch repair is the only acceptable flat tire repair. This flat tire repair method prevents air from escaping the tire from the inside while preventing air and moisture from invading the puncture hole from the outside. Quickie Tire follows industry standards set by USTMA and NHTSA.

Proper flat tire repair steps

  • Remove Tire. The tire must be removed to gain access to the puncture and to evaluate any potential damage only seen from the inside.

  • Clean & Prep the Damaged Area. Once the foreign object has been removed from your tire, the hole and surrounding area must be cleaned and prepped to allow the patch to properly adhere and to form a tight seal.

  • Apply Vulcanizing Cement and Patch the Hole. Next, we will apply vulcanizing cement over the puncture and pull the Plug & Patch through, creating a tight seal.

  • Mount & Check for leaks. After the flat tire repair is complete, we will mount your tire, inflate to proper specifications and perform a leak test

  • Balance the Wheel. Last step is to balance your wheel and get you back on the road.

Not all flat tires can be repaired. Follow this guideline set forth by USTMA.

  • Size of puncture. The size of the puncture cannot be greater than 1/4 (6mm) in diameter.

  • Location and Direction. The puncture cannot extend into the shoulder/belt edge or where the puncture extends at an angle into the shoulder area.

  • Overlapping Repairs. Tire repairs cannot overlap with other repairs. A Plug & Patch combination repair is best.

For pictures and more information, click here.

When Should I Change My Tires?

Proper care and attention to your tires is a vital step in your safety on the road. The closer your tire is to being bald the worse it performs, especially on wet roads. The penny test works but, it's recommended to use a tread depth gauge. According to U.S. Department of Transportation, tires should be changed when they reach 2/32", and in many states its a legal requirement to change your tires at this tread depth.

3 Warning signs that you need to change your tires

  • Tread Depth. When your tread depth reaches 2/32" or 4/32" if you drive often in rain and on wet roads.

  • Age of Tire. Rule of thumb is to replace your tires every 6 years because the rubber compounds deteriorates over time, weakening its structural integrity.

  • Dry Rot. Significant dry rot allows air to escape the tire. Dry rot can also cause the rubber compounds to expand, leading to further damage while driving. Dry rot could explain why your tire always deflates.

For pictures and more information, click here.

Tire Air Pressure

Be careful of over inflating or under inflating your tires - this can lead to dangerous situations. The correct air pressure for your vehicle is specified by the manufacturer and located in the door jam.

How do I check my tire air pressure?

  • Dash Light. Most newer vehicles have a TPMS (Tire Pressure Monitor System) sensor within their wheels. If your tire falls below manufacturer specified air pressure, a flat tire light will show on the dash. Some vehicles will display the exact PSI of each tire.

  • Air Pressure Gauge. This is a hand held device which gets placed onto the valve stem of the wheel. Tire air pressure gauges come in either analog or digital. You can find them here.

  • Looking at your Tire. This is the least accurate way of determining whether your tires are flat. Radial tires can lose a significant amount of air pressure, yet still appear to be fully inflated. It is not recommended to use this method.

For pictures and more information, click here.

Dry Rot

Dry rot or side wall cracking refers to tire degradation, specifically on the face or outer sidewall. Dry rot may be caused by age of tire, harmful substances, or a harsh environment. Minor dry rot can be addressed with tire sealant by a professional. Tires with significant dry rot must be replaced.

Tires with dry rot are much more likely to

  • Develop Leaks

  • Develop Holes

  • Blow Out

Extreme dry rot can lead to rare but, potentially fatal

  • Tread Separation

What does tire dry rot look like?

  • Cracks on the Side Wall.

  • Cracks on the Tread.

  • Brittle.

For pictures and more information, click here.

Seasonal Tires

There are 3 types of seasonal tires: All-Season, Summer, and Winter. To ensure your safety on the road, it's important to be driving the correct season tires.

Which season tire do I need?

  • All-Season. All-season tires are by far the most popular option on the road. These tires offer a balanced approach to wet and dry conditions. All-Season tires are an excellent budget friendly alternative and can be used during all four weather seasons.

  • Summer. Summer tires offer optimized wet and dry performance in mild environments. Summer tires should not be used during winter seasons due to the cold temperature and icy road conditions. Tire performance may be significantly impacted.

  • Winter. Winter tires are engineered to offer optimal traction on snow, ice, and slushy road conditions. Winter tires are also engineered for wet and dry extreme cold conditions. Winter tires should not be used outside of winter seasons.

For pictures and more information, click here.

Tire Rotation

Regularly rotating your vehicles tires is part of a healthy maintenance routine to maintain your tires performance and safety. Follow your tires manufacturer rotation guideline, or rotate your tires every 5,000 miles.

Why should I rotate my tires?

  • Maximizes Tread Life. By routinely rotating your tires, your vehicles unique wear pattern is spread across all four tires, maximizing your tread life.

  • Even Tread Depth. By routinely rotating your tires, you maintain an even wear depth on each tire. This will improve traction and handling which in turn improves cornering and braking performance.

For pictures and more information, click here.

How to Check Tire Tread

Ensuring your tires have ample tread can make a substantial difference in acceleration, breaking, turning, and overall safety on the road. In fact, having ample tire tread is the easiest and most impactful way to maximize safety and performance on the road.

A good rule of thumb is to keep a close eye on your tires once they reach 4/32 inch depth. This is the recommended time to change your tires. At 2/32 inch depth, you are legally required to replace your tires.

Tire depth in inches

10/32 + New Tire (maximum safety and performance).

4/32 Keep an eye on tire (Recommended time to change).

3/32 Don't wait any longer (almost at the legal minimum).

2/32 Minimum legal tire depth (must be replaced immediately).

4 Easy ways to know its time to change your tires

  • Penny Test. Place a penny between your tires treads with Lincoln's head facing you and touching the tire. If you can see all of Lincoln's head, then your tread depth is less than 2/32 inch.

  • Tread Depth Gauge. A small gauge which is placed in between tire treads. You can pick up an analog or digital gauge from Amazon for as little as $5 - $12.

  • Tread Wear Bar. This is a small platform built into your tire, in between treads. When these cars become flush with the tread of the tire, your tire is no more than 2/32 inch of depth.

  • Visual Inspection. Often times our tires wear and tear inconsistently. Inconsistent tire wear and tear is caused by not regularly rotating tires, malfunctioning suspension, or improper tire inflation. If parts of your tire are bald, dry rotted/cracked, or have visible wires/mesh, then it is recommended to change your tires immediately.

For pictures and more information, click here.

Should I Change 2 or 4 Tires?

The age old question. The short answer is that its safest to replace all 4 tires but, in some cases you may change 2.

Which tires wear out the fastest in FWD / RWD / AWD / 4WD?

  • In FWD cars, typically the front tires wear out the fastest, especially if all four tires aren't regularly rotated.

  • In RWD cars, typically the rear tires wear out the fastest, especially if all four tires aren't regularly rotated.

  • In AWD / 4WD cars, typically the front tires wear out the fastest, especially if all four tires aren't regularly rotated.

Why do tires wear at different rates?

  • Tires can wear at different rates due to a number of variables; driving style, road condition, camber, suspension, off-road, turning and cornering, braking, acceleration, not rotating tires regularly, and differences in tread depth, brand, model, tread pattern, speed rating, and other specifications.


Can I change 1 tire?

  • On a FWD (front wheel drive) and RWD (rear wheel drive) vehicle, if you change 1 out of 4 worn tires (half tread remaining or less) then the new tire will spin slower than the other 3 worn tires, potentially sending false signals to the traction control and ABS (anti-lock system).

  • In addition, having one mismatched tire (regardless if its tire tread depth, tread pattern, speed rating or size) will affect traction, acceleration, braking, turning, grip, and can cause faster wear. This can change the behavior and feel of the vehicle.

Should I change 1 or 2 tires?

  • If you can only change1 tire, it's best to use the same exact brand, model, tread pattern, tread depth and specifications as the other 3 tires.

  • Its better to change both tires on that same axle. However, the best thing to do is to change all 4 tires. This ensures maximum safety and performance on the road, a zero compromise solution.

Should I change 2 or 4 tires?

  • If you must choose between changing 2 or 4 tires on your vehicle, its always best to change all 4 in order to maximize safety.

  • If you decide to only change 2 tires, its best to use the same exact brand, model, tread pattern, and other specifications as the 2 worn tires. These new tires should be placed on the rear axle.


Can I change 1 or 2 tires?

  • Some manufacturers of AWD (all wheel drive) and 4WD (four wheel drive) vehicles recommend all 4 tires to be replaced even if you only need 1 tire changed. This is because worn tires have a smaller overall diameter than brand new tires and this difference can cause the new tires to spin slower, causing strain and possible damage to your vehicle.

  • If you can only change 1 tire, it's better to have no more than 2/32" difference in tread depth between the worn and new tires. Make sure the new tire is exactly the same brand, model, tread pattern, and other specifications as the other 3. However, the best solution is to replace all 4.


Do new tires go in the front or the back?

  • Regardless of how many tires you change or what drivetrain you have, it is advised by industry tire experts to place your new tires on the rear axle of your vehicle. If new tires are placed in the front, your rear worn tires would be more susceptible to hydroplaning.

Please refer to your owner's manual for specific guidance on tire changes.

For pictures and more information, click here.


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