Choosing the correct new tires made easy. Follow these 5 easy steps to pick the best tires.
*Did the previous owner change their tire size and/or rims? If you are unsure, always refer to the drivers side door pillar or owners manual for the OEM recommended specifications.
Step 1 - Decide how many tires
Ideally, you should replace all four tires to ensure maximum safety and performance. If you can only replace 2 tires, it's best to place those new tires on the rear axle. Placing new tires on the rear axle helps reduce the chance of your vehicle hydroplaning and fishtailing in snowy and wet conditions.
If you're considering replacing only one tire, please remember that the tread depth may not be more than 2/32" difference and you must get the same exact brand, model, tread pattern, and other specifications like, load rating and speed rating. If you do not exactly match your other three tires, you may risk damaging your drivetrain and/or sending false signals to the traction control and ABS (anti-lock break system).
For more information on how many tires you should change, click here
Step 2 - Decide which season tires
There are 3 types of seasonal tires: All-Season, Summer, and Winter. To ensure your safety on the road, it's important to be driving the correct tires for the weather change.
Which season tire do I need?
All-Season. All-season tires are by far the most popular option on the road. These tires offer a balanced approach to wet and dry conditions. All-Season tires are an excellent budget friendly alternative and can be used during all seasons.
Summer. Summer tires offer optimized wet and dry performance in mild environments. Summer tires should not be used during winter seasons due to the cold temperature and icy road conditions. Tire performance may be significantly impacted.
Winter. Winter tires are engineered to offer optimal traction on snow, ice, and slushy road conditions. Winter tires are also engineered for wet and dry extreme cold conditions. Winter tires should not be used outside of winter seasons.
Learn more about seasonal and specialty tires, click here.
Step 3 - Find your tire size
If your vehicle has original wheels, then you should follow your owner's manual tire size recommendation. If your vehicle has after market wheels, then its best to get the same size tires as your current ones. QuickieTire and most tire dealers will ask for your vehicles year, make, and model or VIN # to correctly identify your vehicles original wheel size and tire size. To find your vehicle's OEM tire size, use our tire widget
Learn more about tire sizes, click here
Other Things To Consider
In addition to these three crucial steps, there are a few things to consider: Load Ratings, Speed Rating, Tire Warranty, Brand, and Run Flat.
Load Ratings
Load specifications are a major point of confusion when it comes to purchasing tires. There are two load ratings to consider, Load Range and Load Index.
Your tires load range is represented by a letter (for example: "LOAD RANGE E"). Your tires load range rating can be found on your tires sidewall.
Load range rating is based on an older metric called "ply rating". Ply rating is no longer used because tire technology has advanced to the point where the amount of plies doesn't have as much of an impact on its ability to withstand heavy loads.
Load Range uses an alphanumeric rating system. A tire with a load rating of E1 can support the same weight as an E2 rated tire but, the E1 tire has a max tire pressure of 80 psi, whereas E2 max tire pressure is 65.
If you are unsure which load range you need, refer to your driver's side door pillar or your owners manual.

Load index is important because it tells you how much weight your tire can carry.
Your vehicles manufacturer specified load index can be located in your drivers side door pillar or owners manual.
Most cars and light trucks have a load index value between 70 and 124. Never go lower than the manufacturer suggested load index. Often times this is the minimum safe load index. However, choosing a higher load index for your vehicle is acceptable, especially if you are expecting to carry more weight than your current tires can safely handle.
Where to find load index
If you are unsure which load rating you need, refer to your driver's side door pillar or your owners manual.
The Load Index on a tire can be found after the tire size. For example if we look at "225/50 R17 98V" we can see that the tire size is "225/50 R17", the load index is "98", and the speed rating is "V".

*To get the max carrying capacity per set of four tires, multiply the carrying capacity by 4. Multiple by 2 to get the max carrying capacity for two tires.
To learn more and for a complete load index & carrying capacity chart, click here
Speed Rating
Speed Rating is the fastest speed a tire can handle before it stops performing as intended. This is the fastest speed a tire can safety maintain over time.
Where Can I Find My Tires Speed Rating?
The most common place to find your tires speed rating is in either the drivers side door pillar, the owners manual, or on the sidewall of your tire. Some manufacturer's may also place your vehicles speed rating in the glove box door and gas tank hatch.
The Speed Rating on a tire can be found after the tire size. For example if we look at "225/50 R17 98V" we can see that the tire size is "225/50 R17", the load index is "98", and the speed rating is "V".

*Speed rating figures are the maximum speed which a tire can safety maintain.
Note: The Speed Ratings are not suggested nor recommended travel speeds. Speed Ratings are controlled environment tests of the tire's ability. Always obey legal speed limits.
Tire Warranty
Tire manufacturers offer different types of warranties. Mileage (tread life), Limited Road Hazard, Workmanship & Materials, Uniformity.
Every tire manufacturer provides a tread life warranty. This warranty is based on the composition of the tire and how many miles the customer can expect to get out of their tire with proper care and normal driving conditions. On average, this warranty covers tires between 4 and 6 years from the date of purchase (varies from manufacturer to manufacturer).
How does tire mileage warranty work?
If you purchase a tire with a 60,000 mile warranty, that means the manufacturer guarantees you will get that many miles by the time your tire is fully worn out (typically 2/32" of tread depth remaining). If for example, you only reach 50,000 miles by 2/32" of tread depth remaining, the manufacturer may offer you a replacement or a discount on a new set.
To process tire mileage warranties, you will be required to provide service records proving your tires were rotated regularly according to the manufacturer's recommendation.
Most tire manufacturers offer a limited road hazard warranty which covers the first year after purchase or the first 2/32" of tread life (whichever comes first). This warranty may cover your tire if it is damaged by a pothole or other road hazards. To be eligible for this warranty, the tire must be damaged beyond repair.
The workmanship & materials warranty guarantees the tire will perform as intended throughout its expected life. This warranty typically covers the tire for 5-6 years from the date of purchase. This warranty covers any damage done to the tire which was directly caused by the manufacturing process or the materials used.
The uniformity warranty covers the rare occurrence of excessive vibration. This warranty covers the tire for one year after purchase. Typically, this tire defect would be immediately noticed after changing tires. Because of the rarity of this defect, most manufacturers only replace one or two out of the set of four.
There are more than 13,000 tire related accidents that happen each year. Tires are arguably the most important part of a vehicles safety. This is one place you never want to cut costs. We will discuss which brands are the best, why you shouldn't buy cheap tires, and which brands to stay away from.
Its important to know which brands you can trust. These brands have a proven track record of performance, durability, and safety.
Best tire brands (according to CarTalk, Mechanicbase, Automoblog)
Before you purchase cheap tires, consider a few things first. Cheap tires typically don't last as long, their performance is less than ideal, and they lack the rigorous safety qualifications.
Why cheap tires are a terrible alternative
Lack durability
Longer brake distance
No quality control
Loud road noise
Faster wear
Lower MPG
Potential for blowout
Environmentally damaging
China produces and exports over 65 million tires each year. With this manufacturing infrastructure in place, there have been many Chinese brands come to market in recent years. Without government manufacturing policies and industry safety standards, these Chinese tires often lack construction safety, material purity, and manufacturing quality. These gaps in quality control can make for a potentially dangerous situation.
Brands which were forcibly recalled by many state Attorney Generals and the Federal Trade Commission.
Westlake Tires
AKS Tires
Telluride Tires
Compass Tires
Other Chinese brand tires to stay away from.
*Quickie Tire does not recommend buying any Chinese brand tires. Always perform your own due diligence before purchasing any brand.
Run Flat
Run flat tires are a specialty tire engineered to allow you to keep driving after a puncture. For example, Bridgestone run flat tires will allow you to continue driving an additional 50 miles at a maximum speed of 50 mph. Its important to know that run flat tires are not the solution to never fixing a flat tire or caring about its air pressure. Run flat tires buy you some time to find an auto shop near you or to find a safe place to change your tire. You cannot drive on run flat tires indefinitely.
Run flat tires are more stable
Due to their reinforced sidewall construction, run flat tires are more stable than their conventional counterparts during a puncture. Run flat tires are engineered to support your vehicle even if all air pressure is lost. On the other hand, when conventional tires are punctured, they cannot be driven on. With conventional tires, you must pull over immediately and either fix the flat tire or replace it.
Cost of run flat tires
Run flat tires are more expensive to replace. Prices vary between an additional $40-$70 per tire.
Cons of run flat tires
Run flat tires have stiff sidewalls compared to the conventional tire. Because of this reinforcement, run flat tires are harsher to ride.
It can be hard to tell if you're low on air